In 2017 I co-funded a project called Perro Amorfo. It was a zine workshop designed for teenagers and young adults who needed a space to explore their creative instincts. It was a beautiful experience, and you can read more about in in this article I wrote for PezLinterna: "Fanzine: gesto y comunidad".

"This zine is a conglomeration of images and words that I like. It represents words and images that have spent an awful lot of time transported around the place, and it was time to let them rest. Hence my name is not Susan. I suppose if I wanted to be technical I could say something like this zine is an exploration of the intersection between words and images. It may sound wanky but it is this space in which I like to spend time”
Jane Simon, My name is not Susan
Plantitas was the first zine I ever made. It was, exactly as Jane Simon describes, an image I need to lay down. I love plants, I really do, but by the time I made Plantitas I was a plant serial killer. It was the saddest thing, and it actually haunted me a lot more than it should had. So that was the first thing that came out when I sat down to make a zine. Then, we used it as an example for out workshop and the participants loved it. I grew more fond of it.
If you look closely, there's a couple of blank spaces. I made that on purpose, with the idea that, as zines are supposed to be reproduced as many times as possible, people could draw their own plants if they wanted to. It can be folded as a traditional zine or as an accordion.

I'll leave the full zine here below in case any of you reading this want to download it and print it!


